Friday, March 11, 2011

Exaaaams make meeee feeeeel sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
am too nervous to do my exam , i dont know how will it be and whether if i will do well and get great marks or the opposite ...

 may god help me and make it easy


  1. Same 2 u dear
    but alhamdllah the exam finised and I feel comfortable...
    waiting our result
    I hope they will be good...

  2. yeah al 7amdellah it finshed !!
    i dont think that i did well !!
    it was little bit hard , dont you think ??

    all the best dear =]

  3. hey Ebti...yup we finished the exam and i totally agree with you everyone said it was hard...
    ahhh i sooooo lokk forward to get my result back..

  4. So ur on my side huh !
    when will we receive the marks
    any ideas ??

  5. yup...
    some teachers said that we'll get the marks by the end of Wednesday at 1 o'clock...and some said we'll get them on Saturday..

    I say that we will get them by next week but don't know exactly when

  6. Finally we got them !!!!!!
    thanks GOD !
    i expected to get less ;P
